Population and Geography based on 2020 Census Redistricting Data File
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Michael Snook
It would be great if this particular boundary could match the near-by, to the north, PLSS section line that is represented in the 2020 block data if possible.
Michael Snook
It would be great if this particular boundary could match the near-by, to the west, PLSS mid-section line that is represented in the 2020 block data if possible.
Michael Snook
It would be great if this particular boundary could match the near-by, to the north, PLSS section line that is represented in the 2020 block data if possible.
Nicholas Domitrovich
I appreciate the inclusion of some "Helena" district in Jefferson County. The northern part of JeffCo is much more a community of interest with Helena than with the county to the south. Every one of my neighbors are state and local employees. Having some legislators with districts that reach into Helena would allow us to have a voice in the legislator.
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