Population and Geography based on 2020 Census Redistricting Data File
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Jeremy Gingerich
The Tentative plan is a good map, based on CP 12. It is reasonable and constitutional.
Thank you for working on and proposing this district map.
Llewelyn Jones
I preferred CP12 before the last amendment. 1) The original split kept the populations equal between the two Districts closer to equal population. 2) The original CP12 had Pondera County only having to redraw 1 precinct line rather than impact 2 precincts. 3) Given that Pondera County must be split, the original map made it more likely that the Western Candidate would visit the County as the area represented more population before the amendment. I also believe the original map is less likely to lose a court challenge. Please reconsider the amendment.
Steve Eschenbacher
While other maps were closer to perfectly balanced, the variation in population is statistically insignificant and does keep the dividing lines along county government regions. While Pondera is divided, it does reflect the Blackfeet tribal interests better than trying to keep it together.
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